- Introduction Post -
What is this?
Meditation Exploration is a year-long meditation challenge exploring the many types of meditation in an effort to discover the one that works for you! In reality, this challenge is for me, but I'm keeping track of it not only for my own record keeping, but in the hopes that it helps anyone that would like encouragement to do the same for themselves!
When is it happening?
It begins on October 8, 2018 and lasts for a year. However, you can start on any week you'd like, or even go back to the beginning and work at your own pace. If you'd like to work on the same types I'm working on, just look for the introduction post on Monday.
How does this work?
I will be exploring one type of meditation for one week to get a feel for how each of them work and what benefits it offers me. My hope is to collect tips and thoughts that work as encouragement for myself and anyone following along! The actual practice days for each type are Monday - Sunday.
What posts or information should I look for?
Each Monday morning at 5:55am (gotta utilize those angel numbers!): Introduction to the type of meditation for the week (incl. some back story, instruction, my game plan, and personal thoughts).
Each Friday evening at 5:55pm: A check-in and personal review of that week's meditation so far.
Every 6 Weeks on Monday: A review of the previous 6 types of meditation along with my personal favorites and least favorites.
Can you tell me the types of meditation you'll be covering?
Yep! Click on THIS post where I introduce the challenge and you'll find a list of all the types of meditation that I've looked into and plan to work on throughout the challenge.
Who are you?
I'm Jenn, a 34 year old stay at home parent in Buffalo, NY. The only thing I'm certified to do is be a TA in an elementary school - I am not a meditation teacher or expert of any kind! Just a rabidly curious novice yogi with a determination to find the type of meditation that works for me.
How long have you been meditating?
Eh. My first real experience with it was about 2.5 years ago, but I really just dabble in it. We sometimes meditate in my yoga class, and I've used meditation here and there for self-care or other rituals, but it's hard to nail down an amount of time because until I embarked on this challenge it wasn't a regular practice.
What is Enrychment?
If you've seen some links around here, especially within posts that take you to a blog called Enrychment, that is my "home" blog. It's a lifestyle blog about my family and my every day life, and I've been blogging there for about 11 years (it had different names and themes throughout that time - it's been Enrychment since Jan 2016).
Can you send me updates to my email?
Sure thing! Sign up for the Meditation Exploration Newsletter HERE.
Helpful Links
Meditation Exploration Newsletter
Meditation Exploration Introduction
10% Happier Podcast (amazing resource for studying meditation!)
Week 1: Traditional Guided Meditation (10/8)
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