I get chills when I see the ideas I have come to know as truth match up in a new variety of words.
I love words and diction and syntax, and so to see different people and different points of consciousness recognize the very same idea in their own wording is a delight. Especially when those ideas are already an essential part of my consciousness. It's a giant YES from the universe. A confirmation in the way of things. My whole body knows it.
Lately, I've been studying spirituality in a couple of new ways.
I started my belief in the Law of Attraction about 5 years ago, and have tried to expand on it ever since. I'd been reading about yoga and meditation and the power of emotion when I was lead to the teachings of Abraham and the journey of our souls as eternal entities. I have so much overflowing, positive energy about the natural state of the existence of things now, that I am constantly seeking the pathways to get closer to it.
The box method I used for clearing weight from my day and my home? That was Abraham's idea.
My joy in creation, connection, growth, learning, sharing, teaching - Aparihraha, Santosha, Sadhana - it's all from learning about the existence of our souls and the reasons they reside in these physical bodies.
It just all makes so much SENSE.
I am a Questioner, and so my research and desire to expand on these things will never cease. I am still reading and learning and connecting the dots, and there is one such connection that I have yet to fully wrap my mind around.
From what I've come to learn, souls are pieces of a larger whole. We are all one, and equal, but our individualities come from the fact that souls (and the larger collective soul) can break off into more concentrated points in order to experience, process, and expand with more efficiency. It would be like having 8 arms to take care of your toddler - things would get done more quickly and efficiently, right?
When our concentrated point of soul existence is ready for expansion, we choose to come to earth and occupy a human body. (I'm simplifying - in fact, souls can choose other planets and other living beings as well, but that's a story for another day.) We carefully select the lives we want to live because of the specific lesson(s) we want to learn so that we can grow in that specific way. We are first lead to a region with the most potential for our learning, and then we choose our parents and the individual that will help us accomplish our goals. We are given glimpses of how our life will unfold - hardships and all - and we agree to take on that life knowing that a) we will grow in the specific way we want to and b) there will be other familiar souls who reside in the non-physical world with us to help guide us along the way. (I have so much to say on point b another day!)
Granted all that I've said, specifics of our life are meant to be for the sake of growth, but we are still given free will. We are able to make specific decisions for ourselves that can change or alter our path. This is where my confusion sets in.
I whole heartedly believe in the existence and process of the law of attraction.
And I whole heartedly believe that we choose our life experience for a specific purpose.
But if we sign up for this level of intentional suffering and these difficult lessons to learn, how can using the law of attraction to make our life peachy help us in our quest?
Abraham always says that suffering on earth is a separation or misalignment with source energy (our soul's connection to the collective soul), and that if we find alignment, suffering (physical or emotional) does not exist there. But if we are here on earth, sitting pretty next to source energy, what's the point of coming to earth? Why don't we just always stay in the non-physical? I know the answer - it's to come to earth to experience contrast and to grow from that. But then why try to inch towards source energy while you're here? Won't that take away from what you're meant to experience here?
Are we just supposed to snuggle up to source energy here and there when things get rough? Like a heated blanket in the dead of winter, reminding us that we will feel warmth again?
And who is doing the wanting in the first place? The soul, or the human mind? Do they have to duke it out to see whose living style wins? And if so, isn't it a waste of energy to combine the two?
Maybe that is why these ideas aren't known by all, because if they were - there wouldn't be a whole lot of learning and expanding going on down here on this planet of ours. But then why let some of us know it? Are we, the searchers, feelers, thinkers, speakers, writers, teachers the ones that are meant to be in the know to sort of rest our hands on the backs of those around us and help them along in their tough lessons? That feels like an arrogant assumption to make, but it would create a bridge of understanding for me.
Or is the lesson maybe in the practice of the law of attraction? The relaxing into the allowing - the aparihraha - the repeated attempts at that, is that the lesson we can take back to our soul family and use in our next life to be someone that is wonderfully expansive?
I am positive there is a connection between these two, the same way I see different people using different words for the exact same truth. And I am sure that I will eventually rest my eyes on the explanation that makes it all very, very clear for me. But right now I am seeking. There must be something.
What if, perhaps, we chose a life of knowing intentionally? After all, look around. The law of attraction and its principals are everywhere in this time space. We have collectively expanded our consciousness already. Maybe, if we are in a life of knowing this, we've already been through the lives of the greatest suffering. Maybe we've already learned the more primitive lessons we needed to learn, and we are now on a path of manipulating and creating with the laws of the universe because THAT is what will propel us forward from here. That too is an idea I can sit with.
I can't say with certainty what the truth is, because I clearly haven't settled on it yet, but I am in search of this particular connection. I want to know how these pieces of the puzzle interlock, and I'm in hot pursuit of it - for all of us.
I love words and diction and syntax, and so to see different people and different points of consciousness recognize the very same idea in their own wording is a delight. Especially when those ideas are already an essential part of my consciousness. It's a giant YES from the universe. A confirmation in the way of things. My whole body knows it.
Lately, I've been studying spirituality in a couple of new ways.
I started my belief in the Law of Attraction about 5 years ago, and have tried to expand on it ever since. I'd been reading about yoga and meditation and the power of emotion when I was lead to the teachings of Abraham and the journey of our souls as eternal entities. I have so much overflowing, positive energy about the natural state of the existence of things now, that I am constantly seeking the pathways to get closer to it.
The box method I used for clearing weight from my day and my home? That was Abraham's idea.
My joy in creation, connection, growth, learning, sharing, teaching - Aparihraha, Santosha, Sadhana - it's all from learning about the existence of our souls and the reasons they reside in these physical bodies.
It just all makes so much SENSE.
I am a Questioner, and so my research and desire to expand on these things will never cease. I am still reading and learning and connecting the dots, and there is one such connection that I have yet to fully wrap my mind around.
From what I've come to learn, souls are pieces of a larger whole. We are all one, and equal, but our individualities come from the fact that souls (and the larger collective soul) can break off into more concentrated points in order to experience, process, and expand with more efficiency. It would be like having 8 arms to take care of your toddler - things would get done more quickly and efficiently, right?
When our concentrated point of soul existence is ready for expansion, we choose to come to earth and occupy a human body. (I'm simplifying - in fact, souls can choose other planets and other living beings as well, but that's a story for another day.) We carefully select the lives we want to live because of the specific lesson(s) we want to learn so that we can grow in that specific way. We are first lead to a region with the most potential for our learning, and then we choose our parents and the individual that will help us accomplish our goals. We are given glimpses of how our life will unfold - hardships and all - and we agree to take on that life knowing that a) we will grow in the specific way we want to and b) there will be other familiar souls who reside in the non-physical world with us to help guide us along the way. (I have so much to say on point b another day!)
Granted all that I've said, specifics of our life are meant to be for the sake of growth, but we are still given free will. We are able to make specific decisions for ourselves that can change or alter our path. This is where my confusion sets in.
I whole heartedly believe in the existence and process of the law of attraction.
And I whole heartedly believe that we choose our life experience for a specific purpose.
But if we sign up for this level of intentional suffering and these difficult lessons to learn, how can using the law of attraction to make our life peachy help us in our quest?
Abraham always says that suffering on earth is a separation or misalignment with source energy (our soul's connection to the collective soul), and that if we find alignment, suffering (physical or emotional) does not exist there. But if we are here on earth, sitting pretty next to source energy, what's the point of coming to earth? Why don't we just always stay in the non-physical? I know the answer - it's to come to earth to experience contrast and to grow from that. But then why try to inch towards source energy while you're here? Won't that take away from what you're meant to experience here?
Are we just supposed to snuggle up to source energy here and there when things get rough? Like a heated blanket in the dead of winter, reminding us that we will feel warmth again?
And who is doing the wanting in the first place? The soul, or the human mind? Do they have to duke it out to see whose living style wins? And if so, isn't it a waste of energy to combine the two?
Maybe that is why these ideas aren't known by all, because if they were - there wouldn't be a whole lot of learning and expanding going on down here on this planet of ours. But then why let some of us know it? Are we, the searchers, feelers, thinkers, speakers, writers, teachers the ones that are meant to be in the know to sort of rest our hands on the backs of those around us and help them along in their tough lessons? That feels like an arrogant assumption to make, but it would create a bridge of understanding for me.
Or is the lesson maybe in the practice of the law of attraction? The relaxing into the allowing - the aparihraha - the repeated attempts at that, is that the lesson we can take back to our soul family and use in our next life to be someone that is wonderfully expansive?
I am positive there is a connection between these two, the same way I see different people using different words for the exact same truth. And I am sure that I will eventually rest my eyes on the explanation that makes it all very, very clear for me. But right now I am seeking. There must be something.
What if, perhaps, we chose a life of knowing intentionally? After all, look around. The law of attraction and its principals are everywhere in this time space. We have collectively expanded our consciousness already. Maybe, if we are in a life of knowing this, we've already been through the lives of the greatest suffering. Maybe we've already learned the more primitive lessons we needed to learn, and we are now on a path of manipulating and creating with the laws of the universe because THAT is what will propel us forward from here. That too is an idea I can sit with.
I can't say with certainty what the truth is, because I clearly haven't settled on it yet, but I am in search of this particular connection. I want to know how these pieces of the puzzle interlock, and I'm in hot pursuit of it - for all of us.
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